What a marvelous text you have put together, full of brilliant transdisciplinary insights!
I just have a couple of minor but important corrections to suggest.
You mention a couple of times that our ancestors were tribes. Tribes are a different social organization from bands. Small-band foragers have no possessions and do not domesticate/enslave plants or animals. They are egalitarian and include kin and non-kin. Their kinship is with everything encountered (like you and Fluffy). This is our 99%. Tribes get possessive with cultivation or domestication and are not egalitarian. They get into narrow minded kinship. They are part of the 1%, which includes chiefdoms and states.
Places to change the language are on the bottom of p. 29, p. 60 (where you say they are kin, but they are not necessarily kin), and p. 62.
Hi Darcia- Very grateful for your kind words and the informative distinction regarding tribes versus bands. I will update the text accordingly. Thank you for taking time to review the text: I know that you have a lot going on and I deeply appreciate it. Would you feel comfortable with us using your words of endorsement from above as a blurb for the text? (The 'What a marvelous text...' sentence?)
pg. 26, next to last line, 'here' needs to be 'hear'
pg. 45, second paragraph, second line 'is' for 'it'
pg. 49, first paragraph, fifth sentence, its needs apostrophe
pg. 50, double paragraph
pg. 53, im stumbling on the words 'effectuate' and 'ensphered'
pg. 56, first paragraph, sixth sentence, 'throatedly vigorous'???
pg. 58, first paragraph, third sentence beginning with 'i have been...'. feels awkward
pg. 59, second paragraph, fifth sentence, 'my' might benefit with italics
general comment: i like the size of the chapters and the way the narrative unfolds. it feels organic and has the palpable touch of the guide. it's barefoot. i believe any real editor for the general public would say it was over written. mr hitt marked up my papers with the word 'florid'. as i said the last time we talked, the document as a whole carries the vibe of a manifesto which is, in the real world, a pretty florid way of behaving. there's a good bit of performance in it.
i think the work could easily have become a long whitmanesque poem, a 'song of ourselves', and the prose structure which feels limiting could be abandoned. you are singing, as dylan thomas has beautifully said, 'in your chains like the sea'.
this observation is not a suggestion to change anything. I believe that die is mostly cast. it will hit the public mind as an out of the box, virulently creative, manifesto about reconnecting with our origin story. i feel that it will need some help getting into the right hands. all manifestos are intending to kindle movements which is certainly true of your work. they incorporate as much destruction of old models as they do the creation of new ones- in this case the ancestral future.
it's all here. the job now if finding the appropriate portal to the ear that is willing to hear it. it just doesnt feel like the therapeutic community somehow. it feels beyond that. this fire wants to catch the digital wind of virality. i would be the last person to know about that.
I’m looking forward to reading the advanced reader copy. It’s been a bunch of years since I pored over Porges “The Polyvagal Theory”, so I may have forgotten some of the finer points; however, one concept in heart physiology seemed to have elided a lot of attention in the theory. He elegantly laid out how evolutionary pressures on an organism’s heat and cold led eventually to the mammal’s capacity for the stillness required for all the things around reproduction ( I might have skipped some steps). But I don’t think the theory really chews at how fluid dynamics and the baroreceptors are influenced by the vagus system. Hot cold dry wet.
Your writings about interoception prompted me to write. The respiratory sinus arrhythmia and heart rate variability are in the service of a completion, namely survival optimization, the completion of the circulatory cycle. Getting oxygen to the cells by the blood. Your revelation of knowing something by listening to your guts seemed to point to the baroreceptors, bundles in the aortic arch, carotid arteries and elsewhere. They seem like portals to me, in an individual. Perhaps a way to orient in space along with proprioception.
i hoped to find the chapters here... am i missing something that's in plain sight?
They are. Not sure how to get to Archive on the app. We have published through Chapter 27
ah thank you ... i see them in Archive beginning november 18th 2023?
ah thank you, i see them in Archive, beginning november 18th 2023?
Sounds about right. It starts with chapter 01
Hi, Gabriel,
What a marvelous text you have put together, full of brilliant transdisciplinary insights!
I just have a couple of minor but important corrections to suggest.
You mention a couple of times that our ancestors were tribes. Tribes are a different social organization from bands. Small-band foragers have no possessions and do not domesticate/enslave plants or animals. They are egalitarian and include kin and non-kin. Their kinship is with everything encountered (like you and Fluffy). This is our 99%. Tribes get possessive with cultivation or domestication and are not egalitarian. They get into narrow minded kinship. They are part of the 1%, which includes chiefdoms and states.
Places to change the language are on the bottom of p. 29, p. 60 (where you say they are kin, but they are not necessarily kin), and p. 62.
All blessings to you and your work!
Hi Darcia- Very grateful for your kind words and the informative distinction regarding tribes versus bands. I will update the text accordingly. Thank you for taking time to review the text: I know that you have a lot going on and I deeply appreciate it. Would you feel comfortable with us using your words of endorsement from above as a blurb for the text? (The 'What a marvelous text...' sentence?)
here's what i have so far in text edit:
pg. 26, next to last line, 'here' needs to be 'hear'
pg. 45, second paragraph, second line 'is' for 'it'
pg. 49, first paragraph, fifth sentence, its needs apostrophe
pg. 50, double paragraph
pg. 53, im stumbling on the words 'effectuate' and 'ensphered'
pg. 56, first paragraph, sixth sentence, 'throatedly vigorous'???
pg. 58, first paragraph, third sentence beginning with 'i have been...'. feels awkward
pg. 59, second paragraph, fifth sentence, 'my' might benefit with italics
general comment: i like the size of the chapters and the way the narrative unfolds. it feels organic and has the palpable touch of the guide. it's barefoot. i believe any real editor for the general public would say it was over written. mr hitt marked up my papers with the word 'florid'. as i said the last time we talked, the document as a whole carries the vibe of a manifesto which is, in the real world, a pretty florid way of behaving. there's a good bit of performance in it.
i think the work could easily have become a long whitmanesque poem, a 'song of ourselves', and the prose structure which feels limiting could be abandoned. you are singing, as dylan thomas has beautifully said, 'in your chains like the sea'.
this observation is not a suggestion to change anything. I believe that die is mostly cast. it will hit the public mind as an out of the box, virulently creative, manifesto about reconnecting with our origin story. i feel that it will need some help getting into the right hands. all manifestos are intending to kindle movements which is certainly true of your work. they incorporate as much destruction of old models as they do the creation of new ones- in this case the ancestral future.
it's all here. the job now if finding the appropriate portal to the ear that is willing to hear it. it just doesnt feel like the therapeutic community somehow. it feels beyond that. this fire wants to catch the digital wind of virality. i would be the last person to know about that.
DES: Edits made pages 26, 45, 49, 50, 53(partial), 58, 59.
I’m looking forward to reading the advanced reader copy. It’s been a bunch of years since I pored over Porges “The Polyvagal Theory”, so I may have forgotten some of the finer points; however, one concept in heart physiology seemed to have elided a lot of attention in the theory. He elegantly laid out how evolutionary pressures on an organism’s heat and cold led eventually to the mammal’s capacity for the stillness required for all the things around reproduction ( I might have skipped some steps). But I don’t think the theory really chews at how fluid dynamics and the baroreceptors are influenced by the vagus system. Hot cold dry wet.
Interested in learning more about this if you can point me to additional resources, Nancy.
Your writings about interoception prompted me to write. The respiratory sinus arrhythmia and heart rate variability are in the service of a completion, namely survival optimization, the completion of the circulatory cycle. Getting oxygen to the cells by the blood. Your revelation of knowing something by listening to your guts seemed to point to the baroreceptors, bundles in the aortic arch, carotid arteries and elsewhere. They seem like portals to me, in an individual. Perhaps a way to orient in space along with proprioception.
https://evolve.elsevier.com/cs/product/9780323789875?role=student In my addition (3rd) pages 1002-1003. can send a pdf of a graphic...
YES! Agree with you. Would love to see the graphic. This is very exciting. yes, yes, yes.