Went back and re-drew the entire thing with an overlay of sacred geometry - watched the whole thing just sort of lock into place like a crystal, and then removed the overlay. Don't tell anybody ;)
i am quite sure there are too many cooks in the kitchen at this point but i will say one final thing and promise to quit. i love the simpler cover. less, as i have said, will always to me be more. i very much miss the names on the stations because they are spectacularly pedagogic at a glance and distinguish the cartographic base of the image from a cool logo. lastly the marvelous word 'wilding' so beautifully captures the cadence of your fundamental dance. rewilding the autonomic nervous system for enduring wellbeing. the word itself is an eyecatcher and can well afford to be quite large in the attentional field. the text on the stations will require moving close, probably picking up the book, to read the names. from a marketing perspective that single move is a slam dunk. lol. this is way too much from me:)))
Considering the image to carry pattern information, like a mandala or yantra or other such, having the whole circle seems right.
Went back and re-drew the entire thing with an overlay of sacred geometry - watched the whole thing just sort of lock into place like a crystal, and then removed the overlay. Don't tell anybody ;)
i am quite sure there are too many cooks in the kitchen at this point but i will say one final thing and promise to quit. i love the simpler cover. less, as i have said, will always to me be more. i very much miss the names on the stations because they are spectacularly pedagogic at a glance and distinguish the cartographic base of the image from a cool logo. lastly the marvelous word 'wilding' so beautifully captures the cadence of your fundamental dance. rewilding the autonomic nervous system for enduring wellbeing. the word itself is an eyecatcher and can well afford to be quite large in the attentional field. the text on the stations will require moving close, probably picking up the book, to read the names. from a marketing perspective that single move is a slam dunk. lol. this is way too much from me:)))