after mye night of somewhat unsatisfying sleep (as usual) this nottion popped into mye bonce, having mused upon, not for the first time, the 'how' of how iye engage and digest and intertwine with what calls mye.. and the intertwining of the life that said last night... iye become the book like the San become the animal they hunt.. and thy bookling becometh mye also therefore... so wye now come to the yikesy wow thingy
has Gabriel considered once the big real thing is in the hands of those who call her forth.. the book is 'published and therefore birthed beyond her original womblings and tender first 9-monthlings where wye, i hope, maybe also care and tend and welcome her into our wayes and our longings... might ye consider if ye havenot yet done so, an interactive web-based version such as iye myeself engage in here... but more so.. where wye may remark on the text, and on our responses and so on as the HUNTER iye learning to call again within mye spirit-hunter-tender-sovereignty of mye heartselfing?
A 'version' where iye can make (literal) spaces, move the text around if iye need to, make mye 'real time with-ness' .. all of course for mye personal selfing...what they in this unfortunate traumatised systematised concreted deadness they call 'life here in the modernity anthropocentric age etc)... what they call a 'course'... if ye like, a study.. but not as they deem it.. but as the San told mye last night... and iye knew, in deep self-chairos where no Man (sic) can go... (ie the 'Man' being the constructed traumatised appearance that obscures the harmony of yang with yin, and lives in deep re-cognition, the cognition of hearting, intertwining irrevocably with life and her form and form(s) of which of course fundamentally one form, many formlets...
It is very interesting that you are writing this to me as I began yesterday to try to figure out how to do of the useful challenges with this, which is something I've addressed in our learning platform really deeply, is that this text is not linear, but a book is encountered in linear fashion.
One of my favorite books of all time is Julio Cortazar's Hopscotch, a magnficent novel at the beginning of which he explains can be read in two primary ways.
When I read it it transformed the way I thought about what a book is. There is a linear reading, and then a reading that an author's note suggests that the book would best be read in one of two possible ways: either progressively from chapters 1 to 56, with all subsequent "expendable chapters" being excluded, or by "hopscotching" through the entire set of 155 chapters according to a "Table of Instructions" designated by the author. Chapter 55 is left out all together in this second method, and the book would end with a recursive loop, as the reader is potentially left to "hopscotch" back and forth between chapters 58 and 131 infinitely.[4] Cortázar also leaves the reader the option of choosing a unique path through the narrative.
It was the first time I ever saw a book written intentionally with pieces (chapters) that could be organized to yield two different views. This is the same thing that happens anytime something is multi-meaninged. E.g., an optical illusion is a visual image that can alternate between two possible views.
This is what originally opened me to the idea that you could write a single book that could be understood in multiple ways, and that this could be designed.
In building our software, I pushed this much further, and built the software to organize itself around the person using it, like a tailored garment.
Essentially, the diagnostics tools 'take your measurements' and from those scaffold a set of starting points around you. Each of these starting points leads in multiple directions and you can decide where you want to go based on what is most important to you.
something is informing mye to mention 'the skin''s somethng about 'the skin' but as yet iye havent' fully heard what mye back-brain (aieeeee! i've just realised iybe callling her 'my back brain' for decades!.. .and last night iye wrote someting in one of thy chapercommenty thing boxes about the Hugely wonderfulling ye did when ye spake to brainstem/cerebellum on one hand (well, perhaps not on the hand?) and the frontal and midbrain (ye did not mention the limbic structures iye think and wisely so peryaps given thy themes) on the other... so .. what iye call my 'back brain' must bye mye deep 'knowing' of who 'tells mye things'... and if that's true.. then as mye back-brain bye related to not only ANS but also iye think ye tall us, our twin vagal lovers, tender carers of these forms and all wye 'are' in form...that might mean that iye DO 'hear' this body-mind.. and it's only the danger/lifethreat state and conditioning whoe has made it so hard to manage this 'duality'? Thank ye for the links.. i will love looking into these...
But.. something about Skin. Maybe it's about Fascia, and the fascia bathnig the nerves.. their watery wetnessing, their tender caress.. no cadaver in sight... so the how of the gestalt and the linear thing.. (a cause of immense anguish to me the latter.. and the tech that reifies the left to right, top to bottom, and one after the other thing.. the SKIN doesn't do this.. nor does fascia... and the link ye sent looks overwhelming but makes 'sense' to mey as a talented and intelligent approach 'given' the state of the 'modernity' idea of inteligence... ahhaaaa.. for this, iye suggest Pat McCabe....and her story about the way the White People presumed what 'intelligence' is.. and thus caould not see the intelligences of her people, and thus deemed them to be not Humans. And they had to learn Academia to be able to .. in white mans (sic) terms, be (sometimes) considered Human.. but then they had to 'show' that they are intelligent on white man's extraordinarliy limited and 'dead' (my word) terms. The white man kills what lives..the indigenous tends what lives, even as they hunt.
So.. maybe some sort of skin-thing... mye back brain will tell me more, whn iye am not playing here when iye 'should ' be doing somethng about the conditions that keep me from aliving.. ie.. the conditions that keep me stuck here, literally, encaged in a squalid flat and surrounded by the results of terror, fear of making a move, grasp to hold on.. and so forth.. far more fun to play here with 'how to allow life-form to emerge when wye fondly imagine it's 'us' making her.. eh? !
oh thank ye! iye guess that means no further commenting is relevant or useful? And does tha tmean that what we read in any of the chapters that have been Updated, is now the updated version (iye ask this in rhe instance where typos and other such are therein.. would that be because the updates are not visible to us, here?
So I am actually right now updating the manuscript that will be sent to the editor. So finish your comments, I am reading them. The chapters are not being updated on the Substack. Edits are on the manuscript itself.
ok! i probably wont get past the chapter i just reached, if your deadline is literally 'now'.. as it's 1.30 am here. i got as far as the one about the Hands and the San..
There is a message going out tomorrow about the end of the editing window. But I will continue to look at your comments. They are very high quality. We are just needing to get this to the editors to keep on target with the October release.
oh.. iye feel amazed upon reading the words regarding mye comments as 'very high quality'... aiee... for a brief moment mye eyes are glistening with the tears that refuse to come, and are so deeply longed for...
I feel moved to hear that, effectively, ye invite mye to continue in mye ways with this thy bookling.. who with time and already .. when iye remember the San hunter how he became the Person he hunted, so be thy book as iye hunt her.. aiee.. so that's what iye do here.. iye hunting .. and iye suspect thy bookling be hunting mye likewise... !
after mye night of somewhat unsatisfying sleep (as usual) this nottion popped into mye bonce, having mused upon, not for the first time, the 'how' of how iye engage and digest and intertwine with what calls mye.. and the intertwining of the life that said last night... iye become the book like the San become the animal they hunt.. and thy bookling becometh mye also therefore... so wye now come to the yikesy wow thingy
has Gabriel considered once the big real thing is in the hands of those who call her forth.. the book is 'published and therefore birthed beyond her original womblings and tender first 9-monthlings where wye, i hope, maybe also care and tend and welcome her into our wayes and our longings... might ye consider if ye havenot yet done so, an interactive web-based version such as iye myeself engage in here... but more so.. where wye may remark on the text, and on our responses and so on as the HUNTER iye learning to call again within mye spirit-hunter-tender-sovereignty of mye heartselfing?
A 'version' where iye can make (literal) spaces, move the text around if iye need to, make mye 'real time with-ness' .. all of course for mye personal selfing...what they in this unfortunate traumatised systematised concreted deadness they call 'life here in the modernity anthropocentric age etc)... what they call a 'course'... if ye like, a study.. but not as they deem it.. but as the San told mye last night... and iye knew, in deep self-chairos where no Man (sic) can go... (ie the 'Man' being the constructed traumatised appearance that obscures the harmony of yang with yin, and lives in deep re-cognition, the cognition of hearting, intertwining irrevocably with life and her form and form(s) of which of course fundamentally one form, many formlets...
This is the map that I used to create our Autonomic Atlas:
It has 15 different dimensions, I think.
They are all inter-related.
So you can see the connections between any points on the map.
It is built like a neural network or mycelium.
So what I would have in mind for a course version of the book would be something like this.
Yet it should be highly interactive as well.
With this kind of structure, like a choose-your-own adventure, each chapter would have a list of next possible links.
So if you are interested in pursuing a certain idea or set of ideas you can go there.
The book then becomes completely flexible scaffolding organized around what is important to the person reading it.
It is very interesting that you are writing this to me as I began yesterday to try to figure out how to do of the useful challenges with this, which is something I've addressed in our learning platform really deeply, is that this text is not linear, but a book is encountered in linear fashion.
One of my favorite books of all time is Julio Cortazar's Hopscotch, a magnficent novel at the beginning of which he explains can be read in two primary ways.
When I read it it transformed the way I thought about what a book is. There is a linear reading, and then a reading that an author's note suggests that the book would best be read in one of two possible ways: either progressively from chapters 1 to 56, with all subsequent "expendable chapters" being excluded, or by "hopscotching" through the entire set of 155 chapters according to a "Table of Instructions" designated by the author. Chapter 55 is left out all together in this second method, and the book would end with a recursive loop, as the reader is potentially left to "hopscotch" back and forth between chapters 58 and 131 infinitely.[4] Cortázar also leaves the reader the option of choosing a unique path through the narrative.
It was the first time I ever saw a book written intentionally with pieces (chapters) that could be organized to yield two different views. This is the same thing that happens anytime something is multi-meaninged. E.g., an optical illusion is a visual image that can alternate between two possible views.
This is what originally opened me to the idea that you could write a single book that could be understood in multiple ways, and that this could be designed.
In building our software, I pushed this much further, and built the software to organize itself around the person using it, like a tailored garment.
Essentially, the diagnostics tools 'take your measurements' and from those scaffold a set of starting points around you. Each of these starting points leads in multiple directions and you can decide where you want to go based on what is most important to you.
something is informing mye to mention 'the skin''s somethng about 'the skin' but as yet iye havent' fully heard what mye back-brain (aieeeee! i've just realised iybe callling her 'my back brain' for decades!.. .and last night iye wrote someting in one of thy chapercommenty thing boxes about the Hugely wonderfulling ye did when ye spake to brainstem/cerebellum on one hand (well, perhaps not on the hand?) and the frontal and midbrain (ye did not mention the limbic structures iye think and wisely so peryaps given thy themes) on the other... so .. what iye call my 'back brain' must bye mye deep 'knowing' of who 'tells mye things'... and if that's true.. then as mye back-brain bye related to not only ANS but also iye think ye tall us, our twin vagal lovers, tender carers of these forms and all wye 'are' in form...that might mean that iye DO 'hear' this body-mind.. and it's only the danger/lifethreat state and conditioning whoe has made it so hard to manage this 'duality'? Thank ye for the links.. i will love looking into these...
But.. something about Skin. Maybe it's about Fascia, and the fascia bathnig the nerves.. their watery wetnessing, their tender caress.. no cadaver in sight... so the how of the gestalt and the linear thing.. (a cause of immense anguish to me the latter.. and the tech that reifies the left to right, top to bottom, and one after the other thing.. the SKIN doesn't do this.. nor does fascia... and the link ye sent looks overwhelming but makes 'sense' to mey as a talented and intelligent approach 'given' the state of the 'modernity' idea of inteligence... ahhaaaa.. for this, iye suggest Pat McCabe....and her story about the way the White People presumed what 'intelligence' is.. and thus caould not see the intelligences of her people, and thus deemed them to be not Humans. And they had to learn Academia to be able to .. in white mans (sic) terms, be (sometimes) considered Human.. but then they had to 'show' that they are intelligent on white man's extraordinarliy limited and 'dead' (my word) terms. The white man kills what lives..the indigenous tends what lives, even as they hunt.
So.. maybe some sort of skin-thing... mye back brain will tell me more, whn iye am not playing here when iye 'should ' be doing somethng about the conditions that keep me from aliving.. ie.. the conditions that keep me stuck here, literally, encaged in a squalid flat and surrounded by the results of terror, fear of making a move, grasp to hold on.. and so forth.. far more fun to play here with 'how to allow life-form to emerge when wye fondly imagine it's 'us' making her.. eh? !
when does your 'editorial window' close please?
If you scroll down into comments on a chapter, and it says something like MANUSCRIPT UPDATED in caps, that means we are done editing that chapter.
oh thank ye! iye guess that means no further commenting is relevant or useful? And does tha tmean that what we read in any of the chapters that have been Updated, is now the updated version (iye ask this in rhe instance where typos and other such are therein.. would that be because the updates are not visible to us, here?
So I am actually right now updating the manuscript that will be sent to the editor. So finish your comments, I am reading them. The chapters are not being updated on the Substack. Edits are on the manuscript itself.
ok! i probably wont get past the chapter i just reached, if your deadline is literally 'now'.. as it's 1.30 am here. i got as far as the one about the Hands and the San..
There is a message going out tomorrow about the end of the editing window. But I will continue to look at your comments. They are very high quality. We are just needing to get this to the editors to keep on target with the October release.
oh.. iye feel amazed upon reading the words regarding mye comments as 'very high quality'... aiee... for a brief moment mye eyes are glistening with the tears that refuse to come, and are so deeply longed for...
I feel moved to hear that, effectively, ye invite mye to continue in mye ways with this thy bookling.. who with time and already .. when iye remember the San hunter how he became the Person he hunted, so be thy book as iye hunt her.. aiee.. so that's what iye do here.. iye hunting .. and iye suspect thy bookling be hunting mye likewise... !